
SCAM ALERT - Be alert to receiving WhatsApp messages claiming to be a WorkPac Recruiter


​Updated 25 ​January 2023 | Jobseekers are being urged to watch out for scammers, with new Scamwatch figures revealing Australians lost over $8.7 million to recruitment scams in 2022. The ACCC’s Scamwatch is warning young people in particular, to protect their personal information when applying for jobs and to beware of job offers made through social media platforms or messaging services such as Whatsapp. Read more (opens on ACCC Scamwatch website). SEEK.COM.AU also has a current warning about scammers contacting people across Australia and New Zealand via WhatsApp pretending to be recruiting for SEEK. We are sharing this information to protect you, our job seekers, from scammers. Read more (opens on website). ​Beware of WhatsApp messages posing as a WorkPac recruiter(Originally published 30 September 2022) ​The first scam message states that a recruiter from WorkPac Recruitment is looking for candidates.The second scam message used a WorkPac recruiter's name and image with false contact details and false job ad information, there are grammar errors and it requested bank account details.Remember – WorkPac does not communicate using WhatsApp. If you are unsure about any email, SMS or message, please call our team on 1300 967 572. If you have identified something as potentially fraudulent or a scam account, please screenshot it, before deleting it from your inbox and delete items or your device.  ​ReportingPlease report this scam from your app: you report someone:WhatsApp receives the last five messages sent to you by the reported user or group, and the sender won’t be notified. WhatsApp also receives the reported group or user ID, information on when the message was sent, and the type of message sent (image, video, text, etc.).You can also choose to report an account by long-pressing a single message.Please forward a copy to​​